How much ziti can 89 people eat? Two Wednesdays ago, Mike Buscetto of Philomena’s Restaurant in Waterford provided vats of it, along with meat balls and salad to The Arc Eastern Connecticut’s 22 residential homes at greatly reduced prices. Buscetto also donated 22 dozen eggs.

“You know what’s nice?” says Betty-Jo Davis, The Arc ECT’s deputy operations officer for residential services, “we’re supporting local businesses, and they’re supporting us.”

As The Arc enters its eighth week of physical distancing, the agency is aware that the Eastern side of the state anticipates peak infection rates to hit mid-June. Consequently, The Arc’s close-knit teams have pivoted behaviorally and professionally.

Messages of encouragement are sent weekly to all employees from the chief executives. Department leaders reach out to their teams daily. Two podcasts on the status of the agency have been accessed by more than 11,000 listeners combined.

Residential team members undergo wellness checks — for temperature and general health — outside group home doors. Agency nurses are available in shifts to answer home leaders’ questions about residents’ health, and also team members’ questions regarding whether they can or should report to work. “Our team has been extremely conscientious about self-reporting when not feeling well and working with the nurses to determine whether they should come in,” says Laurie Herring Thomen, The Arc’s Chief Operations and Quality Officer.

As group homes shelter in place, other services have moved online with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their and families receiving daily classes, chats and check-ins via phone, iPod and other video communication. Group homes celebrate birthdays via Facetime and drive-by van parades. Musician Janine LaMendola plays guitar and teaches people sign from group home yards so everyone in the house can sing and sign along.

“The blessing,” Davis says, “is people are walking more and everybody, with tech, is learning more. It has allowed all of us to stand still and appreciate one another. It illustrates beautifully how interdependent we are on one another.”

Note: The community is invited to enjoy The Arc ECT’s virtual adventures page featuring tours of the National Parks, museums, classes and more at Just click on Activities4You.

Kathleen Stauffer is chief executive officer of The Arc Eastern Connecticut. For information on The Arc, go to For more articles by this author visit

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