Joe Returns a Favor
“It’s my turn to help you guys now”
Published in The Bulletin September 5, 2018
Joe arrives at The Arc New London County Farm Stand keys in hand. He unlocks the door, pops the windows, sets out bins of small red peppers, sweet corn, potatoes, yellow beans, zucchini.
He dusts his hands. “That’s it!.” The Farm Stand is open.
Joe reports here after his shift at Mohegan Sun where he works in culinary line-prep. Today, Joe helped ready several thousand box lunches for the Barrett-Jackson international car auction, among Mohegan Sun’s biggest annual draws.
A white SUV pulls up, a customer looking for corn. Joe hands the man a bag and invites him to choose his own. Seeing tomatoes, the customer requests a second bag. Potatoes get thrown into a third while Joe works the tablet register, tapping in items and asking for $7.45.
Joe is no stranger to The Arc New London County. He trained here for real-world employment, earning minimum wage with the Farm Stand and Landscaping Crew while also preparing cookies, breads and special catering orders. Joe succeeded everywhere. When a job coach asked if he had any interest in casino culinary work, Joe eagerly agreed.
Three years later, he is thriving. For a second time, Joe is competing for a Sun Service Hero award for doing more than required when the team is short-staffed and generally for going above and beyond. Preparing Sunday brunch with his team is Joe’s favorite weekly task. Dim Sum, making bacon with Fred – Joe says camaraderie is their secret to success.
A minivan drives up. A tall, handsome man with sunglasses and professional attire buys cucumbers. Joe reminds him of the Farm Stand’s hours.
Recently, The Arc struggled to staff the Farm Stand from 4 to 6 pm. Joe stepped forward and took the shift twice weekly as a second job. How does it feel to help the agency that provided services to him as a young man with Intellectual Disability?
“It feels good to return the favor,” Joe says. “You guys helped me. It’s my turn to help you now.”
NOTE: The Arc NLC Farm Stand on Route 117 in Ledyard is open M-F 9:30 am– 1:15 pm; Mondays and Wednesdays 4-6 pm; and 11 am-3 pm Saturdays from May through mid-October.
Kathleen Stauffer is chief executive officer of The Arc New London County. For information on The Arc, go to www.thearcnlc.org. For more articles by this author visit www.kathleenstauffer.com