Meet Kevin, a man who loves his job and hates bullying – “I Am the Best Uncle!”

“I Am the Best Uncle!”

Meet Kevin, a man who loves his job and hates bullying

Published in The Bulletin July 17, 2018

The buzz of a new zero-turn trimmer and the smell of fresh grass fill the air as Kevin bumps over a lawn. He likes landscaping because – like a lot of guys – being outside and working with his hands beats sitting behind a desk. Chatting with buddies as he mulches and mows is another reason the 25-year-old Baltic man likes his work. Happy customers matter, too. “I like the social piece of my job.”

Kevin doesn’t have a girlfriend right now, but it’s not because of career goals. While his job is his main priority, Kevin says he’s at a point in life where friends matter more. “I am single and taking a break!” Being social is who he is. “I like to take care of people:  Kids, babies, homeless people.  I am a people person and I get that from my dad.”

Kevin has dreams. If he could be anything, he’d be an actor. “It’s always been a dream of mine, along with having my own car and place to live.” Kevin currently lives with his Mom, but like most twenty-somethings he would prefer living on his own. His mom is teaching him budgeting and other skills he needs to succeed in his own apartment. Kevin’s older brother already is married with two kids. Kevin doesn’t mind noting that he dotes on his niece and nephew. “I am the best uncle!”

Kevin is a happy guy now that he has a plan for his life. High school was another story. It was tougher. Much tougher. Kevin was bullied, and being the butt of jokes is never fun. “I got mad and depressed and [when it happened] went to someone close to me for help like a best friend or a teacher, someone I could trust.  I still get angry when people [call me names] behind my back.”

Kevin won’t let a diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) stop him. He doesn’t think you should let challenges limit your dreams, either. His advice? “Put your mind to it, and you can accomplish anything.  If you need help, tell someone.  I believe in you. No matter what.”


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One thought on “Meet Kevin, a man who loves his job and hates bullying – “I Am the Best Uncle!”

  1. Very well written and very well expressed. It was an inspiring piece, and I wish Kevin the very best.

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